Friday, October 11, 2013

Divination Series - Part 3 - Palmistry: Palm Types, and Charts to Try This Practice on Yourself and Others! (Post 1 of 2)

Now, I was going to also cover dream interpretation today but the whole thing just got overly long. Splitting it into 4. Classic 7 Palmistry Hands and Basic Lines today, 4 Element Hands and more in-depth Features tomorrow, Most Common Dream Symbols Interpretation the next day, and Most Common Dream Themes Interpretations the next day. That said, let's talk about:


Palmistry or chiromancy (also spelled cheiromancy, is the art of characterization and foretelling the future through the study of the palm, also known as palm reading, or chirology. The practice is found all over the world, with numerous cultural variations. Those who practice chiromancy are generally called palmists, palm readers, hand readers, hand analysts, or chirologists. (wikipedia)
Palmistry is not a difficult form of divination, for the most part. However, it can be very enlightening.I've compiled a basic guide of description and pictures from a variety sources to help get you started! The first picture will help you to more clearly identify the lines of your palm, and the 2nd will give you a brief, basic meaning. 
At the end I've included link if you want to learn more, and am offering an e-book on Palmistry to anyone who follows and asks.

"Which palm should you read? Well, ideally, you should read both. The theory is that the left hand shows potential, while the right hand shows what you’ve done with that potential. Some palm readers believe that “the left is what the gods give you, the right is what you do with it”."
 Types of Palm
According to "The Science of Palmistry", the palm can be classified in a variety of ways. Cheiro's way (a famous occult figure of the early 20th century) gives 7, which is what we will discuss below:
  1. Conic- the artistic type.
  2. Spatulate - nervous active type
  3. Square - useful hand
  4. Philosophical - jointed hand.
  5. Psychic- the idealistic hand.
  6. Elementary - lowest type 
  7. Mixed

 According to another Source:

The Elementary

As its name implies, the Elementary is the lowest type of all. It is just a little above the brute creation. This type is extremely short, thick set and brutal-looking.
People having such hands naturally have very little mental development or ability. They are found engaged in occupations requiring only unskilled labour and the very lowest even of that.
They are violent in temper, and have little or no control over their passions or their anger. They are coarse in their ideas, possess little or no sentiment, no imagination or feeling, and it has been found that even the nerve system of such types is more or less in a state of non-development. They do not feel pain as the higher types of humanity feel it, and have little ambition except to eat, drink, and sleep

The Square
The Square Hand is also called the practical or useful hand. People who possess this type are essentially practical, logical, and rather materialistic. They belong to the earth and the things of the earth. They have little imagination or idealism, they are solid, serious workers, methodical and painstaking in all they do.

They believe in things only by proof and by their reason. They are often religious and even superstitious, but more from habit than from anything else.
They are determined and obstinate, especially if their thumbs are long and the first joint stiff.

They succeed in all lines of work that do not require imagination or the creative faculties, and as business men, lawyers, doctors, scientists, they do extremely well, and are generally to be found in such callings.

The Conic Hand
From another Source:
The conic hand has a medium-sized palm, tapering fingers and conical nails. The nails are pointed and the hand as a whole gives the appearence of a cone. Its shape is similar to the next type of hand known as psychic hand which is again a long and narrow hand with extremely long and tapering fingers

The main characteristics of the people with a conic hand are that they are impulsive and instinctive. Such people may be clever in thinking and quick learners but the hurdle lies in their impulsive nature because of which they are unable to carry out their intentions. People with this kind are artists and are good conversationalists. They live life for sensual pleasures. Such kind of people win people in conversations and grasp the subject very quickly. This quality makes them vulnerable to the influence from outside world. They are easily influenced by the people with whom they come in contact with or by their surroundings.

The Spatulate Hand

A spatulate hand is one that is narrowest at the wrist end of the palm and tapers outwards towards the base of the fingers.

The person with a spatulate palm is a creative sort- an inventor, a maker, a fabricator, an investigator. He finds things or makes things. Artists have this kind of hands, and artisans, and craftsmen, and inventors, and explorers, and scientists (mad or otherwise.)

The person with a spatulate palm moves into a space and makes it his own, and when he moves out again, there is something there that was not there before, whether it's something concrete like a painting or a building, or more abstract, like a philosophy or a revolution.
He can sometimes get so focused on his next big project, that he forgets how that project and the effort he is pouring into it affects his life and those of the people around him.

In love, the person with the spatulate palm may come up with amazing or astounding ways to express his affection. He may also look at your challenges in life and come up with the perfect resolution to them.

The Philosophical Hand - Source

The Philosophic Hand is long, bony, and angular with knotty joints, and
is as a general rule fairly thin.

People with this type of hand are
always studious. They are great readers and usually have a strong
tendency towards literature. They love sedentary work, and have a
somewhat lonely, ascetic disposition.

The Psychic Hand

This type, may in many ways be considered as the
highest development of the hand on the purely mental plane, but from a
worldly standpoint it is the least successful of all. Its possessors live
in a world of dreams and ideals. They know little or nothing about the
practical or purely material side of existence, and when they have to
earn their own bread they gain so little that they usually starve.

These beautiful hands do not appear made for work in any sense. They are
also too spiritual and frail to deal blows and hold their own in the
battle of life. If they are supported by others, or have money of their
own to live on, all may be well, and in such cases they will be likely to
develop strange psychic gifts dealing with visions and ideals that some
few may hear and understand. But if not, their fate as a rule is a sad
one, they will easily be pushed aside by the rougher types of humanity
or, in sheer helplessness, take their own lives, and so end the unequal

In constitution they are seldom strong physically, and consequently they
are doubly unfitted for the struggle for existence.

The Mixed Hand-  

What is called the "Mixed Hand", is an aggregation
of all the types, or at least, some of them.

It is very often found having all the fingers different from one another,
as for example one pointed, one square, or spatulate, and so on. Or
sometimes the palm may be of one type, say spatulate, with all the
fingers mixed.

Such persons are always versatility itself, but so changeable in purpose
that they rarely succeed in making much out of any talents they may
possess. They can generally do a little of everything but nothing well.
They can talk on any subject that may crop up, but never impress their
listeners with depth of thought on any subject.

It is only when the Line of Head is found on such hands clear and
straight that there is a likelihood of these persons developing some one
talent out of the versatility that this type gives.

I've included below 2 pictures. 1 is to help you clearly identify which line is which on your palm, the second for a very brief, basic interpretation of the lines.

Palm Lines

The Life Line represents your vitality and the length of your life. This is the most important line on your hand and will always be present. The Life Line is the easiest to recognize and helps to determine where your other lines are. Generally if the line swoops down to about an inch above the base of the palm, then it shows a life expectancy of about 70 years for women, and 60-65 for men.

This line begins on the edge of the palm, between the index finger and the thumb. It extends across the middle of the palm and wraps around the base of the thumb.

The Fate Line, also known as the line of destiny, tells the effect society and world events have upon your life (things that come to you from outside). The stronger and deeper the line, the more strongly fate controls your life. If the line has many breaks or changes of direction, it means that you are prone to many changes in your life from circumstances you can't control.

This line begins in the middle of the palm, near the wrist, and runs towards the base of the middle finger.

The Heart Line deals with all the emotions and events that are centered around love, whether it be your ability to love, or be loved. In general, the stronger and deeper the line, the stronger and warmer your devotions.

The Heart Line is the horizontal line above the Head Line. It begins beneath either the index finger or middle finger and extends across to the edge of the palm on the side of the little finger. 

Being the second most important line, the Head Line deals with your beliefs, your philosophy, your attitude on and how you approach life. It is a representation of your mentality and intelligence. Because it is so important, the Head Line must be present on the palm.

The Head Line begins just above the life line, on the side of the palm between the thumb and the index finger, and spans horizontally across the palm. 


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