Monday, December 30, 2013

Tarot: Spell Spread for Witches

3+ cards, left to right.

Use before casting a spell to see what forces are afoot, what angle/method you should use, and the ultimate outcome if you cast the way you plan to cast.

1. The Need. Why do you want to cast this spell? What is going on?

2. The Method. How should you cast the spell? (This is where it breaks down for me. If there's a problem with the spell or my intention, it shows up here in a method that doesn't make sense or is negative.) I only put one card here, but if you want more details, you can add more cards to this position. Maybe 4 cards to represent the 4 elements?

3. The Outcome. What will be the result of your spell? What happens as a result? Sometimes the outcome is positive even though the method card(s) seems messed up, which usually tells me that either the spell is superfluous, or that I need to approach it in a totally different way. 


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