Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Dark Moon Esbat to Honor Hecate

Dark Moon Esbat to Honor Hecate

Arrange your altar with all of your tools and other items the way you wish and then bless the altar saying:

I bless You now that You may aid
The energy flow as magick is made
I cast out negative energy
Leaving only the positive to live and breathe
Within you as I start this Rite
Blessed be in joy, love and light

Then pick up the wand and draw an invoking pentagram in the air above the altar.  Replace the wand and say:

Blessed Be, O Creature of Light
Tools now of magick with power and might.

RITUAL SWEEP WITH BESOM (going widdershins)

Witche's Broom, swift in flight
Cast Out Darkness, Bring in Light
Earth be hallow; Air be clear; Fire bright; as water heals
A sacred bridge this site shall be, as my will, so mote it be.

with your magickal sickle or staff.  (Note, some Witches are using a Sickle to cast the Circle of Hecate.  The sickle is the symbol of the Crone--of harvesting and death.  It is an ancient women's tool--more so than the sword.)

I conjure thee, great womb of the Goddess Hecate
Cauldron of a Witche's power, within who's sacred precinct
are we separate from the world of care, safe from harm and strife.
May it be a shield against all wickedness and evil;
A boundary between the world of seekers
and the realm of the Mighty Ones;
 a guardian and protection that shall preserve and contain
the powers that we shall raise this night of the Dark Moon
Wherefore, do I bless thee and consecrate thee in the name of the Goddess Hecate.
Bless and consecrate the water, incense, and salt which is on your altar with your athame by casting out any impurities and uncleanliness of the spirit unknown.  Then combining salt and water cleanse circle with a chant.  Then add your incense to your charcoal and cleanse circle chanting a chant. 

Winds of the East
Come to me now, O winds of the East Whirl and twirl 'til magick has ceased. Blow through my mind and the energy raise Blow away clouds and blow away haze. The Circle is opened--your power please lend Your presence is welcomed--I bid you come in.
(Light candle - draw an invoking pentagram in the air with your wand)

Fire of the South
Come to me now, O Southerly fires! Warm light, pure strength--add flame to desires Cleanse and purify all actions mundane Protect well this Circle with your pure light and flame. The Circle is opened--your power please lend Your presence is welcomed--I bid you come in.
(Light candle - draw an invoking pentagram in the air with your wand)

Waters of the West
Come now, O waters of the Western port! Tides rise and fall, and all harm abort. Wash away troubles and rinse away pain Wash over my spirit with your oceans and rain. The Circle is opened--your power please lend Your presence is welcomed--I bid you come in.
(Light candle - draw an invoking pentagram in the air with your wand)

Earth of the North
Come, Earthly power to me from the North! Lend your strength and stability-give me your support As your soil is fertile, this Circle shall be Nourish all works, as you nourish the tree. The Circle is opened--your power please lend Your presence is welcomed--I bid you come in.
(Light candle - draw an invoking pentagram in the air with your wand)
(make an invoking pentagram in the air over your altar)
The Circle is sealed and I am completely cut off from the outside world so that I may give honor to the Goddess Hecate, Great Goddess of the Dark Moon.
Three Candles I do Light In Honor of Thee, O Goddess this sacred Night White for the Maiden pure as Snow Red for the Mother full within, and Black for the Crone, old and wise


I call upon She who unveils the mystery, Ancient Crone, Hecate, who reigns as darkness falls upon the unlit sky Queen of Heaven, Earth and the Underworld. Hecate, this is your time, Eternal Goddess, Lady of the Night. I have prepared this sacred Circle for you, O Wise One, Come now into me, your Priestess, Fill me with your presence O gracious Queen of Witches As I do perform this Rite in your honor.
(Imagine the Dark Moon and see this haze descending from the moon into you.  Feel Her slowly envelope you, starting at the top of your head and slowly moving down to your feet.  Feel this vibrating energy of the Goddess Hecate fill your very being.  When Her energies reach your feet, know that you are walking as Hecate, as She is you and you are She. 

Charge of the Crone Hecate
I am the Queen of Magick, hidden in the deepest night. I am the mystery of the other world and the fear that coils about your heart in the times of your trial.  I am the soul of nature that gives form to the Universe. My torches light the way for enlightenment and illumination. My sickle of death cuts away things that are dead & no longer needed It is I who awaits you at the end of your spiral dance. I am She who has no secrets but a thousand secrets. I am the aged Old Crone of Darkness who face of death portends life anew and filled with Luna's secrets. All acts of magick and mysteries are my rituals and My greatest ritual is love itself. You who seek to remove My veil and know My true face, Know that all your questing and efforts are for not, Until thy own face beholds and knows the mysteries of they own self. For you to truly know Me, you must look in your own heart and know and accept thy self. For those of you who call upon Me and My powers for magick, beware! For My magick is swift and without regards to the consequences. Those that know Me shall glide safely through troubles, For it is My dark cloak of protection that is wrapped about you. Close your eyes My child and call to me, for I am there, within your Darkness.  

In this most sacred Night of the Dark Moon And mystical hour of the night Does the Goddess Hecate reign supreme And in Her name do I now give Her praise. HAIL TO THEE HECATE; HAIL TO THEE HECATE HAIL TO THEE HECATE, TRIPLE GODDESS OF THE MOON
Blessings of Cakes and Wine
  - wine should be in Chalice and with athame bless the wine and then the cakes as follows:
I bless thee of Creature of Wine (cakes) Knowing that when I drink (eat) of the I partake in the powers of the mysteries of You Great Goddess Hecate
 (Take the chalice of wine in both hands and hold it up and say:)

In honor of the O Great Goddess Hecate Do I pour this Libation and drinketh this Toast All Life is your Own All fruits of the Earth your power, your wisdom, your liberation I thank You for Your blessings and strength Join with me; Feast with me; Enjoy with me.
(You can pour a few drops of wine onto the ground in front of the altar as an offering to Hecate, if you are outside.  If you are in your temple, then pour some wine into your Libation bowl along with an offering of cakes) Then raise the chalice to your lips and drink.)
(You can now medicate, consult the tarot, or any other divinatory devices, or simply sit back and relax.   Remember eating of the cakes helps ground you from the energy of the circle, and from the cone of power that you built if you did magick.)
O Hecate, My Queen, My Goddess You who awaits for me at the end of Life. I thank you for thy blessings and of your spirit from your Cauldron of the sacred fire on this night of the Dark Moon I bid thee farewell
(Put out Goddess candle)
Thanking the Triple Goddess
Wise Crone, who face is hidden from the starlit night Thank you for joining my sacred this night. I bid thee farewell
(Put out Crone/black Candle)
Mother, nurturer and giver of life Who dances across the nightly sky in your silvery light Thank you for joining my sacred circle this night I bid thee farewell
(Put out the Mother/red candle)
Maiden, bringer of new ideas and inspiration Who dances across the sky in carefree glee and anticipation Thank you for joining my sacred circle this night I bid thee Farewell
(Put out the Maiden/white candle)
(I go widdershins, since I went deosil to welcome)

O twirling Breezes and winds of the East Who protected this Circle and witnessed all feats Of magick performed and blessing poured out I thank you for coming and gathering about. But now comes the time for this Circle to end I release you back to the dark, fertile realm where you reign Hail and farewell until I see you again.
(Put out candle - draw banishing pentagram in air with wand)
O Northern forests, mountains and plains Who protected this Circle and witnessed all gains Of magick performed and all blessings poured out I thank you for coming and gathering about. But now comes the time for this Circle to end I release you back to the dark, fertile realm where you reign Hail and farewell until I see you again.
(Put out candle - draw banishing pentagram in air with wand)
O Oceans and rainstorm and streams of the West Who protected this Circle and witnessed all quests Of magick performed and blessing poured out I thank you for coming and gathering about. But now comes the time for this Circle to end I release you back to the dark, fertile realm where you reign Hail and farewell until I see you again.
(Put out candle - draw banishing pentagram in air with wand)
O Southern Fires and bright, dancing flames Who protected this Circle and witnessed all claims Of magick performed and blessing poured out I thank you for coming and gathering about. But now comes the time for this Circle to end I release you back to the dark, fertile realm where you reign Hail and farewell until I see you again.

(Put out candle - draw banishing pentagram in air with wand)
Return to the East and draw a banishing pentagram in the air with your wand to break the seal of the Circle.

  ( I go widdershins in calling back the Circle.  Use whatever tool you cast the Circle with.  I prefer using my sickle of Hecate or staff/wand)

Power cast and then forgotten is power wasted Wherefore do I call Ye back O Circle of Power into my mighty staff (or sickle) By the holy flame, this Circle disappears and becomes no more Everything is as it was since the beginning of time.
The Circle is opened by unbroken May the love of the Goddess be ever in your heart Merry Meet and Merry Part and Merry Meet again

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