Thursday, October 31, 2013

Nighttime Rite + Pre-Circle Blessing - 2 in 1 Blog/Video Blog

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Pre-Circle Blessing
Blessed be my knees, that I may kneel at the Altar of the Ancient Ones
Blessed be my second chakra, that I may bring forth Life, Art, and Joy
Blessed be my heart, which is formed in Beauty, that I may Love, and Recieve Love
Blessed be my lips, that I may speak Words of Power in Times to Come
Blessed be my mind's eye, that I may see the unseen, and recieve Messages of the Spirit


"Hail Dark Lady of the Crossroads,
of wisdom hard-won,
grant me Thy blessing, purify my heart,
and teach me the truth of my soul;
show me that death is but the gateway to life.
Blessed Be."

Main Prayer

You offer me a lambent grail
of softly glowing moonlight,
as between one heartbeat and the next
souls flit from life to life
with death a well-worn pathway
of the Wise -
a place of respite and release.
Deeply I drink -
a willing sacrifice to eternal motion -
a moment of spirit upon the wind
and another life experience to embrace.


How death is but a gateway to life.

Dream Images

In the Name of the Dark Crone: I see the Crone as teacher.

Closing Prayer

"I bow to Thee Hecate, Diana, Mari and thank
Thee for Thy blessing - the Cauldron of Night
full of life, and death, and life again;
Thy magic gives me wings.
Blessed Be."

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Samhain Rites for the Afternoon

"O God of Thunder, God of Might,
set aside Your lightning bolts
and take Your ease of Love with me.
You are the God of laughter!
You are the God of all delights!
Blessed Be."

Main Prayer
The solitary motion of
the heart
can be found on the edge of
Winter's shadow.
The Great God sleeps.
The Mother's womb grows
every sort of possibility
and holds the kernel of returning light.
The absence of the God
provides opportunities for
inner seeing;
visions unfold like the
unveiling of the Sun
from morning mist.
I seek the God in
hidden landscapes of my
silent soul as
He sleeps and dreams
me into being.
The Dark Night cloaks
revelation in the God's enigmatic heart.

What kernels of possibility are hidden in your heart awaiting revelation?

Daily Affirmation
In the Name of the God: I will honor my visions, and dream dreams.

Closing Prayer
"Thanks to Thee, Lord of the Dance,
for leading me into the deeper mysteries
of the heart.
Be with me now and always.
Blessed Be."

Monday, October 28, 2013

First Vlog! Just an Intro and Correspondences of the Sabbat.

Prayers, Meditation, and Affirmation for Samhain Morning

From here on til and including the 31st, I will be posting a Samhain rite of this format in addition to any other post of the day. Today is a Morning rite, tomorrow an Afternoon rite, the next day an Evening rite, and on the Sabbat a Night rite. May you have a blessed Samhain!

This prayer should be done in the morning, between dawn and noon.

"Hail Bright Maiden of quicksilver delight,
shine upon me.
Thy morning blessing, which,
like the new dawn, refreshes my Spirit and
lifts my heart with song.
Blessed Be."

Main Prayer
Lady of the Harvest, now is the time
to feast and frolic, for we meet
on the edge of Winter's shadow.
All the seed that was sown in
Springtime past has long
been reaped;
the fields stand barren, empty
and the spirit shall soon turn inward.
The world's fabric grows thin and
souls of the dead pass by on their
way to the Summerland.
Bless their passing, for though to some it
seems an ending,
this exodus of spirit foreshadows new beginnings.
Thus do we celebrate the dawn of the New Year.
Blessed Be.

Choose an ancestor: what gift(s) have you received from him or her?

Daily Affirmation
In the Name of the Maiden: I will remember and give thanks today to my ancestors.

Closing Prayer
"Thanks to Thee Bright Maiden for Thy care,
for green laughter and fire-edged dew,
and for Thy blessing, a most precious jewel.
Blessed Be."

Samhain Tarot- Magic Cauldron, Dark Self, Season of the Witch, and Spreads for Spirits and the Deceased

Jack O’ Lantern Spread


"The last question (the horizontal card at the bottom of the mouth) is where a jack-o-lantern's candle shines brightest. If you use reversals, you'll need to decide for yourself how to tell if that card is upright or not. One way would be to read it whichever way it's drawn; I chose to read it as upright regardless of how it landed in the spread."

1. How am I tricking others?
2. How am I tricking myself?
3. How can I treat others better?
4. How can I treat myself better?
5. How can I shine?

Magic Cauldron Spread


1. What is in the pot? Current situation or problem
2. What stirs the pot? What influences, agitates or stirs the situation
3. What needs to be added? What can be done to enhance the situation or solve the problem
4. What comes out of the pot? How the situation or problem will work out

Dark Realm of Yourself Spread

Meant to be used with a “dark” deck



1 - Your Dark Soul Card - the card that represents the querent in this dark realm.
2 - Why you are here? - the reason why the querent is in this dark realm.
3 - What have you learned? - so far, in this journey of the soul, what lessons you have learned from this place.
4 - What do you still have to learn? - the lessons you still have to learn from this dark realm.
5 - What are you hiding from the others? - the aspects of yourself that you don't show to the others.
6 - What is hidden from you? - the aspects of yourself that you're not aware of; can be external from the querent.
7 - Your Dark Guardian - everyone has a guardian, and this card is the querent's dark guardian; this card somehow represent inner aspects of the querent, for sometimes the guardians went through similar issues of the querent, so they're there to teach to the querent the lessons they've learned.
8 - How does your Dark Guardian helps you? - this is the tip given by the Dark Guardian to the querent on how to deal with these issues; the Dark Guardian shows here how he/she helps the querent.
9 - How to see, and to get to, the light? - This is the ultimate advice of the reading.

Season of the Witch

Spread is shaped like a witch's hat

1. The Witch Herself - Significator - sets the tone for the reading, the special powers the querent has and their ability to transform energy
2. The Cauldron - something percolating in your life - the matter of the reading
3. The Spellbook - the plan, where things are currently headed
4. The Black Cat - forces that are here to assist you
5. The Skull - a message from your ancestors, advice form those who know best
6. The Broom - what you need to take your plans further

Spreads for Communicating with and Contacting Spirits and the Dead




card #1 represents the spirit, a little info about who they are

card # 2 represents why they are with you right now

card # 3 represents what they want you to know

card # 4 represents what actions you can take and/or how you can help them

card # 5 is a summary/outcome of the entire reading

Before you deal the cards, you must pick the spirit guide that you wish to talk to and find a court or arcana card that represents that person. Do the same for the seeker. Also, if you have an object or photo connected to the person you're trying to hear from, lay that out on the table. I, personally, have stones and runes that I use specifically for this spread to give the connection extra power. But when you do this, do whatever suits you best.

M: Your Moon card goes here. It symbolizes the Spirit Realm.
SG: This is where you place the card that represents the spirit you're trying to connect with.
Q: This is where you place the card that represents the questioner/seeker.
S: Your Sun card goes here. It symbolizes the Physical/Living World.


1 = Where was the deceased at the time of death?
2 = Where was the deceased immediately after death?
3 = Where is the deceased now?
4 = Where will the deceased soon be?
5 = Feelings toward/message to the querent
Path of the Ancestors:
1. Who are the ancestors participating in this reading ?

2. What is their relationship to you ?

3. How do they make their presence known ?

4. What is the wisdom you need to find ?

5. What is the wisdom they have to give?

6. Key to finding your path :

7. The reason this path is yours :

8. What is within you that this path must express ?

9. The Initiation :

10. The Dedication:

11. The Culmination :

12: A Blessing from the Ancestors:

Spread for the Haunted


1: The Spirit/Being (basic information)
2: Where it came from
3/4: about its Life
5. About its Death
6: Why it chose to follow (you)
7: How to rid yourself of it if it intends to hurt (you)

**Spreads Posted @**

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